How to contribute to the docs
We're not perfect
Writing great help/documentation isn't our specialization (writing code is), so we have come to accept that we need your help! As such we have decided to follow an open Docs-as-Code approach to creating our help documentation, meaning that anybody can add or fix content.
If everything works out well then we should hopefully end up with nice concise help topics that are actually helpful to our users (you), instead of just being reams of fluff (that we would be guessing would be useful).
So thank you very much for taking an interest in helping out. We really appreciate it!
We use Markdown as the syntax for our docs in order to standardize things while keeping it relatively simple to create rich docs.
Submitting a change
The content of our help docs is stored on and we use the Git protocol to make changes.
In Git a change request is called a Pull Request for some reason (don't ask us why - tech people aren't good at naming things I guess). So to make a change you'll need to submit a Pull request, either via the Github website or via any Git enabled tools (like VS Code).
We'll then review the change, and if everything is good we'll make those changes permanent - as simple as that.
If you're making small changes, like fixing spelling or grammar, then it's probably easiest using the Github website to do so. However, if you'll like to make bigger changes then we'd suggest working locally on your PC/Mac using tools like VS Code to make and preview the changes.
You can submit a Pull Request via